Curriculum Vitae - Completo
Maggio 2024
Prof. Roberto Merletti, Ph.D.
Dati personali e indirizzi
- Nome e cognome
- Roberto Merletti
- Luogo e data di nascita
- Torino, 6 Marzo 1945
- Cittadinanza
- Italiana
- Ufficio
- di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 Torino, 10129
E-mail: mailto:[email protected]
URL: - Posizioni
- Già Professore di 1° fascia presso il Dipartimento di Elettronica del Politecnico di Torino e Direttore del Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Sistema Neuromuscolare (LISIN), Politecnico di Torino
Educazione Universitaria
1968 | Politecnico di Torino Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica |
1970 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. Master Of Science |
1972 | The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., PhD in Biomedical Engineering |
Principali attività di didattica
2015 - presente | Preparazione di materiale didattico in rete. |
1997 - 2015 | Direttore del Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Sistema Neuromuscolare, Politecnico di Torino. Didattica di Dottorato |
2005 - 2015 | Professore di I° Fascia di Ingegneria Biomedica, Dipartimento di Elettronica del Politecnico di Torino |
1984 - 2005 | Professore Associato di “Strumentazione Biomedica”, Dipartimento di Elettronica del Politecnico di Torino |
1989 - 1994 | Professore Associato di “Biomedical Instrumentation” e di “Biomedical Signal Processing” Department of Biomedical Eng., Boston University, Boston, USA |
1979 - 1984 | Professore Incaricato di "Strumentazione biomedica" presso il Politecnico di Torino |
1979 - 1984 | Consulente della Regione Piemonte su problemi di strumentazione biomedica e didattica di ingegneria clinica. |
1978 - 1980 | Professore di Informatica Medica presso la Scuola di Specialità di Malattie Cardiovascolari presso la Facoltà di Medicina della Università di Torino. |
1971 - 1972 | "Teaching Assistant" di Elettronica Applicata presso The Ohio State University e Fellow of The Ohio State University Graduate School. |
Principali attività di ricerca e nell’industria
2016-Presente | Attività di ricerca e consulenza. |
2000 - 2016 | Coordinatore di 10 borse di dottorato internazionali (Brasile, Cina, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iran). Coordinatore di 4 borse Lagrange (Fondaz. CRT). |
1997 - 2015 | Direttore del Laboratorio di Ingegneria del Sistema Neuromuscolare, COREP-Politecnico di Torino (attività di ricerca nel settore della Ingegneria del sistema neuromuscolare) |
2008 - 2012 | Coordinatore del Progetto Italo-Tedesco “Technology for Anal Sphincter analysis and Incontinence” (TASI) |
2005 - 2008 |
Coordinatore del Progetto Marie Curie “Decomposition of multichannel surface electromyograms” (DEMUSE) Partner del Progetto Europeo “Cybernetic Manufacturing Systems” (CyberManS), Coordinatore del Progetto ESA “Microgravity Effects on Skeletal Muscles” Partner del Progetto ASI “Osteoporosis and Muscle atrophy” (OSMA) |
2005 - 2007 | Coordinatore del progetto di ricerca di interesse nazionale (PRIN) “Study of Muscular and Adrenocortical Responses to Training” |
2001 - 2004 | Coordinatore del progetto Eropeo Neuromuscular Assessment of the Elderly worker (NEW, 2001-2004) |
2001 - 2004 | Partner del progetto Europeo On Asymmetry In Sphincters (OASIS) |
2000 - 2004 | Responsabile dei progetti di ricerca sanitaria finalizzata della Regione Piemonte “Prevenzione di patologie neuromuscolari tramite monitoraggio elettromiografico non invasivo” e “Monitoraggio di patologie neuromuscolari in ambienti di lavoro. Disseminazione di risultati” |
1997 - 2000 | Partner della Azione Concertata Europea SENIAM (management committee) |
1998 - 2001 | Partner della azione Concertata Europea PROCID (management committee) |
1997 - 2000 | Partner del Progetto dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità su sostituzioni funzionali e organi artificiali |
1997 - 2000 | Consulente scientifico della Fondazione S. Maugeri. |
1989 - 1994 | Attività di ricerca presso il Neuromuscular Research Center della Boston University |
1990 - 1991 | Responsabile del Progetto di Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata N. 206 della Regione Piemonte su aspetti di ingegneria della riabilitazione motoria. |
1980 - 1981 | Responsabile del Progetto di Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata N. 141 della Regione Piemonte su problemi di analisi del movimento. |
1980 - 1981 | Periodo di ricerca di tre mesi presso NeuroMuscular Research Lab. del Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston. Consulente del Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge |
1977 - 1978 | Coordinatore Nazionale del Sub-Progetto SENS-4 del Progetto Finalizzato Tecnologie Biomediche del CNR. |
1973 - 1979 | Attività di ricerca applicata presso la "Sorin Biomedica" nei settori della stimolazione cardiaca e neuromuscolare. |
Attività svolte per la comunità scientifica
Membro dell’Editorial Board, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology.
Ex membro dell’Editorial Board, Physiological Measurement
Ex membro dell’Editorial Board, Biomedical signal processing and control
Ex membro dell’Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
Ex membro dell’Editorial Board, European J. of Applied Physiology
Guest Editor di un numero speciale di Medical Engineering and Physics (July 1999)
Guest Editor di un numero speciale di Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (October 2000)
Guest Editor di un numero speciale di Physiological Measurement (2010)
Guest Editor di un numero speciale di Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering (2010)
Presidente del congresso Biomedical Engineering in Exercise and Sport (March 2006)
Presidente del congresso International Society for Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (June 2006)
Reviewer di circa 40 manoscritti/anno
Senior Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Fellow of the Intern. Society for electromyography and kinesiology (ISEK)
Membro della Accademia Slovena delle Scienze e delle Arti (SASA)
Sommario delle pubblicazioni
Libri di testo internazionali | 4 |
Libri di testo nazionali | 3 |
Capitoli di libri internazionali | 5 |
Capitoli e contributi a libri nazionali | 7 |
Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali | 200 |
Pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali | 30 |
Pubblicazioni in atti di convegni internazionali | >150 |
Pubblicazioni in atti di convegni nazionali | 20 |
Lettere a riviste, editoriali | 5 |
Supervisione di Progetti di Dottorato (2001-2016)
- Dario Farina (2001)
Detection, analysis and interpretation of surface electromyographic signals for the study of motor control - Corrado Cescon (2004)
Development of advanced techniques for the detaction and processing of mechanomyographic (MMG) signals - Ales Holobar (2004)
Blind decomposition of convolutive mixtures of close-to-orthogonal pulse sources applied to surface electromyograms. - Marco Gazzoni (2005)
Surface electromyography for the investigation of single motor units: methods and applications. - Alberto Botter (2011)
Investigation of the neuromuscular system during involuntary muscle contractions: Methodological issues and clinical applications. - Hamid Reza Marateb (2011)
Extraction of information from the human neuro-muscular system using intra-muscular and high-density surface electromyography in voluntary contractions. - Taian De Mello Martins Vieira (2011)
Insights gained into the control of human quiet standing posture from electromyography. - Umberto Barone (2013)
A new portable High Density Surface EMG Multichannel Acquisition System. - Babak Afsharipour (2014)
Estimation of load sharing among muscles acting on the same joint and applications of surface electromyography. - Khalil Ullah (2016)
Extraction of muscle anatomical and physiological information from multi-channel surface EMG: algorithms and their analysis - Subaryani D H Soedirdjo (2016)
A High Density Surface EMG study of the Biceps Brachii: sampling, filtering and interpretation of the signals in time and space.
Pubblicazioni: Libri e capitoli di libri
- Hermens H., Freriks B, Merletti R., Stegeman D., Blok J., Rau G., Disselhorst-Klug C., Hagg G., European Recommendations for Surface Electromyography, RRD publish. ISBN 90-75452-15-2, 1999.
- Hermens H., Freriks B, Merletti R., Stegeman D., Blok J., Rau G., Disselhorst-Klug C., Hagg G., Raccomandazioni Europee per l’Elettromiografia di Superficie, Edizione italiana a cura di R. Merletti, Coop. Lib. Univ. Torinese (CLUT), ISBN 88-7992-1525, 2000
- Merletti (editor) , Elementi di elettromiografia di superficie, Coop. Lib. Univ. Torinese (CLUT), ISBN 88-7922-153-3, 2000
- Pozzo M., Farina D., Merletti R., Electromyography: detection, processing and applications, in: Handbook of biomedical technology and devices, J. E. Moore (ed.), CRC Press, 2003
- Farina D., Filligoi G.C., Merletti R., Analisi di segnali EMG di superficie per lo studio del controllo motorio. In “Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento” Cappello A., Cappozzo A., di Prampero P.E. (Eds.), Patron Editore (Pub.), pp. 281-306, 2003
- Merletti R., Medicina del lavoro: valutazioni tramite EMG di superficie. In “Bioingegneria della postura e del movimento” Cappello A., Cappozzo A., di Prampero P.E. (Eds.), Patron Editore (Pub.), pp. 495-510, 2003
- Merletti R., Marchetti M., Contardo V., Veronica M., Applicazioni dell’EMG di superficie in riabilitazione sportiva, cap. 4.7 del testo “La Spalla e lo Sport”, Masson,
- Merletti R., Parker P.A. (edts.), Electromyography: Physiology, engineering and non invasive applications, IEEE Press / J Wiley, USA, 2004
- Rainoldi A., Minetto M., Merletti R. (edtrs), Biomedical Engineering in exercise and sports Edizioni Minerva Medica, Torino 2006, Italy
- Barbero R., Rainoldi A, Merletti R. Atlas of muscle innervation zones: understanding surface EMG and its applications, Springer, Italy 2012
- Merletti R, Farina D. (edts) Surface Electromyography: physiology, engineering and applications, IEEE Press / J Wiley, USA, 2016
- Merletti R., Pelvic floor EMG: principles, technique and applications, Ch 7 of “ Childbirth related pelvic floor dysfunctions”, Springer 2016.
- Merletti R., Campanini I., Rymer W.Z., Disselhorst-Klug C., (editors), Surface electromyography: barriers limiting widespread use of sEMG in clinical assessment and neurorehabilitation. Open Access E-book. Frontiers in Neurology/Neurorehabilitation, 2021 doi: 10.3389/978-2-88966-616-4
Prof. Roberto Merletti: Principali pubblicazioni recenti su riviste internazionali con impact factor (2004-2024).
- Casale R., Farina D., Merletti R., Rainoldi A., Myoelectric manifestations of fatigue during a twelve day exposure to hypobaric hypoxia, Muscle Nerve, 30: 618-625, 2004
- Cescon C., Farina D., Gobbo M., Merletti R., Orizio C., Effect of accelerometer location on mechanomyogram variables during voluntary, constant force contractions in three human muscles, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 42: 121-128, 2004
- Enck P., Franz H., Azpiroz F., Fernandez Fraga X., Hinninghofen H., Kaske-Bretag K., Bottin A., Martina S., Merletti R., Innervation Zones of the External Anal Sphincter in Healthy Male and Female Subjects (Preliminary Results), Digestion, 69:123-130, 2004
- Falla D., Jull G., Rainoldi A., Merletti R., Neck flexor muscle fatigue is side specific in patients with unilateral neck pain, Eur. J. Pain, 8(1):71-77, 2004
- Farina D., Arendt-Nielsen L., Merletti R., Graven-Nielsen T., The effect of experimental muscle pain on motor unit firing rate and conduction velocity, J. Neurophysiol., 91: 1250-9, 2004
- Farina D., Blanchietti A., Pozzo M., Merletti R., M-wave properties during progressive motor unit activation by transcutaneous stimulation, J. Appl. Physiol., 97, (2):545-555, 2004
- Farina D., Févotte C., Doncarli C., Merletti R., Blind separation of linear instantaneous mixtures of non-stationary surface myoelectric signals, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 51, 9: 1555-1567, 2004
- Farina D., Merletti R., Enoka R.M., The extraction of neural strategies from the surface EMG, J. Appl. Physiol., 96: 1486-1495, 2004
- Farina D., Merletti R., Estimation of average muscle fiber conduction velocity from two-dimensional surface EMG recordings, J. Neurosci. Meth., 134: 199-208, 2004
- Farina D., Merletti R., Indino B., Graven-Nielsen T., Surface EMG crosstalk evaluated from experimental recordings and simulated signals. Reflections on crosstalk interpretation, quantification and reduction, Methods of Information in Medicine, 43: 30-35, 2004
- Farina D., Mesin L., Martina S., Merletti R., A surface EMG generation model with multi-layer cylindrical description of the volume conductor, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 51: 415-426, 2004
- Farina D., Mesin L., Martina S., Merletti R., Comparison of spatial filter selectivity in surface myoelectric signal detection – Influence of the volume conductor model, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 42: 114-120, 2004
- Farina D., Pozzo M., Merlo E., Bottin A., Merletti R., Assessment of muscle fiber conduction velocity from surface EMG signals during fatiguing dynamic contractions, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 51, (8):1383-1393, 2004
- Farina D., Zagari D., Gazzoni M., Merletti R., Repeatability of muscle fiber conduction velocity estimates using multi-channel surface EMG techniques, Muscle Nerve, 29: 282-291, 2004
- Gazzoni M., Farina D., Merletti R., A new method for the extraction and classification of single motor unit action potentials from surface EMG signals, J. Neurosci. Meth., 136: 165-177, 2004
- Merletti R., Benvenuti F., Doncarli C., Disselhorst-Klug C., Ferrabone R., Hermens J.H., Kadefors R., Laübli T., Orizio C., Sjøgaard G., Zazula D., The European Project “Neuromuscular assessment in the elderly worker” (NEW): achievements in electromyogram in signal acquisition, modelling, and processing, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 42: 429-431, 2004
- Merletti R., Bottin A., Cescon C., Farina D., Gazzoni M., Martina S., Mesin L., Pozzo M., Rainoldi A., Enck P., Multi-channel surface EMG for the non-invasive assessment of the anal sphincter muscle, Digestion, 69:112-122, 2004
- Pozzo M., Bottin A., Ferrabone R., Merletti R., Sixty-four channel wearable acquisition system for long term surface EMG recording with electrode arrays, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 42, (4):455-466, 2004
- Pozzo M., Merlo E., Farina D., Antonutto G., Merletti R., di Prampero P.E., Muscle fiber conduction velocity estimated from surface EMG signals during explosive dynamic contractions, Muscle Nerve, 29: 823-833, 2004
- R. Merletti, P. Parker (Eds), “Electromyography. Physiology, engineering and non invasive applications”, J. Wiley/IEEE Press Publication, 133-168, USA, ISBN 0-471-67580-6, 2004
- Clancy EA, Farina D, Merletti R. , Cross-comparison of time- and frequency-domain methods for monitoring the myoelectric signal during a cyclic, force-varying, fatiguing hand-grip task, J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2005; 15(3):256-65
- Castroflorio T, Farina D, Bottin A, Piancino MG, Bracco P, Merletti R., Surface EMG of jaw elevator muscles: effect of electrode location and inter-electrode distance, J Oral Rehabil. 2005; 32(6):411-7
- Azpiroz F, Fernandez-Fraga X, Merletti R, Enck P., The puborectalis muscle, Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2005; 17 Suppl 1:68-72.
- Enck P, Hinninghofen H, Merletti R, Azpiroz F., The external anal sphincter and the role of surface electromyography, Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2005; 17 Suppl 1:60-7.
- Merlo E, Pozzo M, Antonutto G, di Prampero PE, Merletti R, Farina D., Time-frequency analysis and estimation of muscle fiber conduction velocity from surface EMG signals during explosive dynamic contractions, J Neurosci Methods. 2005, 30;142(2):267-74.
- Lanzetta M, Pozzo M, Bottin A, Merletti R, Farina D., Reinnervation of motor units in intrinsic muscles of a transplanted hand, Neurosci Lett. 2005, 10;373(2):138-43.
- Keenan KG, Farina D, Maluf KS, Merletti R, Enoka RM., Influence of amplitude cancellation on the simulated surface electromyogram, J Appl Physiol. 2005;98(1):120-31.
- Cescon C, Sguazzi E, Merletti R, Farina D. Non-invasive characterization of single motor unit EMG and MMG activities in the biceps brachii muscle. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2006; 16:17-24.
- Farina D, Zennaro D, Pozzo M, Merletti R, Laubli T. Single motor unit and spectral surface EMG analysis during low-force, sustained contractions of the upper trapezius muscle. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2006; 96:157-64.
- Franz H, Hinninghofen H, Kowalski A, Merletti R, Enck P. Mode of delivery affects anal sphincter innervation. Gastroenterology, 2006;130(Suppl 2):S724.
- Keenan KG, Farina D, Merletti R, Enoka RM. Influence of motor unit properties on the size of the simulated evoked surface EMG potential. Exp. Brain Res.2006;169:37-49.
- Keenan KG, Farina D, Merletti R, Enoka RM. Amplitude cancellation reduces the size of motor unit potentials averaged from the surface EMG. J. Appl. Physiol.2006; 100:1928-37.
- Mesin L, Joubert M, Hanekom T, Merletti R, Farina D. A finite element model for decribing the effect of muscle shortening on surface EMG, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 2006; 53:593-600.
- Campanini, Merlo A, Degola P, Merletti R, Vezzosi G, Farina D. Effect of electrode location on EMG signal envelope in leg muscles during gait. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2007; 17:515-26.
- Carotti E, De Martin JC, Merletti R, Farina D. Compression of surface EMG signals with algebraic code excited linear prediction. Med. Eng. Phys. 2007; 29:253-258.
- Cescon C, Madeleine P, Graven-Nielsen T, Merletti R, Farina D. Two-dimensional spatial distribution of surface mechanomyographical response to single motor unit activity. J. Neurosci. Methods 2007; 159:19-25.
- Keenan KG, Farina D, Meyer FG, Merletti R, Enoka RM. Sensitivity of the cross-correlation between simulated surface EMGs for two muscles to detect motor unit synchronization. J Appl. Physiol. 2007; 102:1193-201.
- Botter A, Merletti R, Minetto MA. Pulse charge and not waveform affects M-wave properties during progressive motor unit activation. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2008 Apr 30 [Epub ahead of print]
- Cescon C, Bottin A, Fernandez Fraga XL, Azpiroz F, Merletti R. Detection of individual motor units of the puborectalis muscle by non-invasive EMG electrode arrays. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2008; 18:382-389.
- Cescon C, Rebecchi P, Merletti R. Effect of electrode array position and subcutaneous tissue thickness on conduction velocity estimation in upper trapezius muscle. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2008; 18:628-636.
- Clancy EA, Bertolina MV, Merletti R, Farina D. Time- and frequency-domain monitoring of the myoelectric signal during a long-duration, cyclic, force-varying, fatiguing hand-grip task. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2008; 18:789-797.
- Merletti R. Motor units in cranial and caudal regions of the upper trapezius muscle have different discharge rates during brief static contractions. Acta Physiol. (Oxf) 2008; 192:453. (invited editorial)
- Mesin L, Merletti R. Distribution of electrical stimulation current in a planar multilayer anisotropic tissue. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 2008; 55:660-670.
- Mesin L, Merletti R, Rainoldi A. Surface EMG: The issue of electrode location. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2009;19:719-726.
- Minetto MA, Botter A, Ravenni R, Merletti R, De Grandis D. Reliability of a novel neurostimulation method to study involuntary muscle phenomena. Muscle Nerve 2008; 37:90-100.
- Rainoldi A, Gazzoni M, Merletti R, Minetto MA. Mechanical, electromyographical and biochemical variables after a fatiguing task in endurance and power-trained athletes. J. Sports Sci. 2008; 26:321-331.
- Troiano A, Naddeo F, Sosso E, Camarota G, Merletti R, Mesin L. Assessment of force and fatigue in isometric contractions of the upper trapezius muscle by surface EMG signal and perceived exertion scale. Gait Posture 2008; 28:179-186
- Merletti R, Holobar A, Farina D. Analysis of motor units with high-density surface electromyography. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2008; 18, 879-890.
- Farina D, Holobar A, Gazzoni M, Zazula D, Merletti R, Enoka RM. Adjustments differ among low-threshold motor units during intermittent, isometric contractions. J. Neurophysiol. 2009;101:350-359
- Holobar A, Gazzoni M, Farina D, Merletti R, Zazula D. Estimating motor unit discharge pattern from the surface electromyogram. Clin. Neurophysiol. 2009;120:551-562.
- Merletti R, Botter A, Troiano A, Merlo E, Minetto MA. Technology and instrumentation for detection and conditioning of the surface electromyographic signal: state of the art. Clin Biomech, 2009;24:122-134
- Merletti R, Farina D. Analysis of intramuscular electromyogram signals. Philosoph Trans. of the Royal Soc. . Philos. Transact. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 2009;367:357-368.
- Minetto MA, Botter A, De Grandis D, Merletti R. Time and frequency domain analysis of surface myoelectric signals during electrically-elicited cramps. Neurophysiol. Clin. 2009; 39:15-25
- Alexe-Ionescu A, Barbero G., Merletti R., Electrode potential and selective ionic absorption, Physics Letters 2009; 37: 1791-1795
- Mesin L, Cescon C, Gazzoni M, Merletti R, Rainoldi A. A bi-dimensional index for the selective assessment of myoelectric manifestations of peripheral and central muscle fatigue. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2009;19:851-863
- Botter A, Lanfranco F, Merletti R, Minetto MA. Myoelectric fatigue profiles of three knee extensor muscles. Int. J. Sports Med. 2009;30:408-417.
- Botter A, Merletti R, Minetto MA. Pulse charge and not waveform affects M-wave properties during progressive motor unit activation. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2009;19:564-573.
- Mesin L., Gazzoni M., Merletti R., Automatic localization of innervation zones: a simulation study of the external anal sphincter, J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol.. 2009;19(6):413-421.
- Vieira T., Windhorst U., Merletti R., Is the stabilization of quiet upright stance in humans driven by synchronized and similar modulations of the activity of medial and lateral gastrocnemius muscles? .J. Appl. Physiol. 2010; 108: 85-97
- Enck P, Franz H, Davico E, Mastrangelo F, Mesin L, Merletti R., Repeatability of Innervation Zone Identification in the External Anal Sphincter Muscle, Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2010; 29: 449-457.
- Mesin L., Merlo E., Merletti R., Orizio C., Investigation of motor unit recruitment during stimulated contractions of tibialis anterior muscle, J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2010;20:580-589.
- Vieira TMM, Merletti R, Mesin L. Automatic segmentation of surface EMG images: Improving the estimation of neuromuscular activity. J. Biomech. 2010;43:2149-2158.
- Farina D., Holobar A., Merletti R., Enoka R., Decoding the neural drive to muscles from the surface electromyogram, Clinical neurophysiology, 2010 , (doi; 10.1016. 2009.10040, ahead of print).
- Merletti R. The electrode-skin interface and optimal detection of bioelectric signals. Physiol. Meas. 2010;31:3.
- Merletti R, Aventaggiato M, Botter A, Holobar A, Marateb HR, Vieira TMM. Advances in surface EMG: recent progress in detection and processing techniques. Crit. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 2010;38:305-345.
- Merletti R, Botter A, Cescon C, Minetto MA, Vieira TMM. Advances in surface EMG: recent progress in clinical research applications. Crit. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 2010;38:347-379.
- Barbero M, Gatti R, Lo Conte L, Macmillan F, Coutts F, Merletti R. Reliability of surface EMG matrix in locating the innervation zone of upper trapezius muscle. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2011;21:827-833.
- Cescon C, Mesin L, Nowakowski M, Merletti R. Geometry assessment of anal sphincter muscle based on monopolar multichannel surface EMG signals. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2011;21:394-401.
- Gallina A, Merletti R, Vieira TMM. Are the myoelectric manifestations of fatigue distributed regionally in the human medial gastrocnemius muscle? J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2011;21:929-938.
- Marateb HR, McGill KC, Holobar A, Lateva ZC, Mansourian M, Merletti R. Accuracy assessment of CKC high-density surface EMG decomposition in biceps femoris muscle. J. Neural Eng. 2011;8:066002.
- Marateb HR, Muceli S, McGill KC, Merletti R, Farina D. Robust decomposition of single-channel intramuscular EMG signals at low force levels. J. Neural Eng. 2011;8:066015.
- Merletti R, Botter A, Lanfranco F, Minetto MA. Spinal involvement and muscle cramps in electrically elicited muscle contractions. Artif. Organs. 2011;35:221-225.
- Mesin L, Merletti R, Vieira TMM. Insights gained into the interpretation of surface electromyograms from the gastrocnemius muscles: A simulation study. J. Biomech. 2011;44:1096-1103.
- Vieira TMM, Loram ID, Muceli S, Merletti R, Farina D. Postural activation of the human medial gastrocnemius muscle: are the muscle units spatially localised? J. Physiol. 2011;589:431-443.
- Piitulainen H, Botter A, Merletti R, Avela J. Muscle fiber conduction velocity is more affected after eccentric than concentric exercise. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2011;111:261-273.
- Vieira TMM, Loram ID, Muceli S, Merletti R, Farina D. Recruitment of motor units in the medial gastrocnemius muscle during human quiet standing: is recruitment intermittent? What triggers recruitment? J. Neurophysiol. 2012;107:666-76.
- Marateb HR, Rojas-Martínez M, Mansourian M, Merletti R, Villanueva MA. Outlier detection in high-density surface electromyographic signals. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 2012;50:79-89.
- Watanabe K, Kouzaki M, Merletti R, Fujibayashi M, Moritani T. Spatial EMG potential distribution pattern of vastus lateralis muscle during isometric knee extension in young and elderly men. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2012;22:74-9.
- Bonfiglioli R, Botter A, Calabrese M, Mussoni P, Violante FS, Merletti R. Surface electromyography features in manual workers affected by carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle Nerve. 2012;45:873-82.
- Barone U, Merletti R. Design of a portable, intrinsically safe multichannel acquisition system for high-resolution, real-time processing HD-sEMG. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2013;60:2242-52.
- Baudry S, Lanfranco F, Merletti R, Duchateau J, Minetto MA. Effects of Short-Term Dexamethasone Administration on Corticospinal Excitability. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- Botter A, Vieira TM, Loram ID, Merletti R, Hodson-Tole EF. A novel system of electrodes transparent to ultrasound for simultaneous detection of myoelectric activity and B-mode ultrasound images of skeletal muscles. J Appl Physiol. 2013;115:1203-14.
- Gallina A, Merletti R, Gazzoni M. Uneven spatial distribution of surface EMG: what does it mean? Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013;113:887-94.
- Gallina A, Ritzel CH, Merletti R, Vieira TM. Do surface electromyograms provide physiological estimates of conduction velocity from the medial gastrocnemius muscle? J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2013;23:319-25.
- Piitulainen H, Botter A, Merletti R, Avela J. Multi-channel electromyography during maximal isometric and dynamic contractions. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2013;23:302-10.
- Rojas-Martínez M, Mañanas MA, Alonso JF, Merletti R. Identification of isometric contractions based on High Density EMG maps. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2013 ;23:33-42.
- Watanabe K, Gazzoni M, Holobar A, Miyamoto T, Fukuda K, Merletti R, Moritani T. Motor unit firing pattern of vastus lateralis muscle in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Muscle Nerve. 2013;48:806-13.
- Cescon C, Raimondi EE, Zacesta V, Drusany-Staric K, Martsidis K, Merletti R. Characterization of the motor units of the external anal sphincter in pregnant women with multichannel surface EMG. Int Urogynecol J. 2014 Aug;25(8):1097-103.
- Cescon C, Riva D, Zacesta V, Drusany-Staric K, Martsidis K, Protsepko O, Baessler K, Merletti R. Effect of vaginal delivery on the external anal sphincter muscle innervation pattern evaluated by multichannel surface EMG: results of the multicentre study TASl-2. lnt Urogynecol J. 2014 Nov;25(11):1491-9.
- Farina D, M erletti R, Enoka RM. The extraction of neural strategies from the surface EMG: an update. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2014 Dec 1;117(11):1215-1230.
- Piervirgili G, Petracca F, Merletti R. A new method to assess skin treatments for lowering the impedance and noise of individual gelled Ag-AgCl electrodes. Physiol. Meas. 2014;35:2101-18.
- Ullah K, Cescon C, Afsharipour B, Merletti R. Automatic detection of motor unit innervation zones of the external anal sphincter by multichannel surface EMG. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2014;6:860-867.
- Li X, Holobar A, Gazzoni M, Merletti R, Rymer W, Zhou P. Examination of Post-stroke Alteration in Motor Unit Firing Behavior Using High Density Surface EMG Decomposition. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2015;62:1242-1252.
- Afsharipour B., Ullah K., Merletti R. Amplitude indicators and spatial aliasing in high density surface electromyography recordings, Biomed. Signal Proc. and Control, 2015; 22: 170-179.
- Afsharipour B, Petracca F, Gasparini M, Merletti R. Spatial distribution of surface EMG on trapezius and lumbar muscles of violin and cello players in single note playing. J. Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2016; 31: 144-153.
- Cattarello P., Merletti R. , Petracca F., Analysis of High Density Surface EMG and finger pressure in the left forearm of violin players. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, September 2017, pg 139-151,
- Cattarello P., Vinelli S., D’Emanuele S., Gazzoni M., Merletti R., Comparison of chairs based on HDsEMG of back muscles, biomechanical and comfort indices, for violin and viola players: A short term study. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2018; 42: 92-103.
- Afsharipour B., Soedirdjo S., R. Merletti, Two-dimensional surface EMG: The effects of electrode size,interelectrode distance and image truncation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2019) 49, 298–307
- Besomi M., Hodges A., Van Dieen J., Carson RG., Clancy E., Disselhorst-Klug C., Holobar A. Hug F.,. Kiernank M., Lowery M., McGill K., Merletti R., Perreault E., Sogaard K., Tucker K., Besiert T., Enoka R., Falla D., Farina D., Gandevia S., Rothwell JC., Vicenzino B., Wrigley T. Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: electrode selection matrix. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2019; 48: 128–144.
- Merletti R., Muceli S., Tutorial. Surface EMG detection in space and time: best practices. Journ. of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2019; 49: (free download)
- Russo A., Aranceta-Garza A., D’Emanuele S., Serafino F., Merletti R., HDsEMG activity of the lumbar erector spinae in violin players: comparison of two chairs. Medical Probl. of Perform. Artists, 2019; 34(4): 205-214, doi: 10.21091/mppa.2019.4034
- Besomi M., Hodges P., Clancy E., Van Dieën J., Hug F., Lowery M., Merletti R., Søgaard K., Wrigley T., Besier T., Carson R., Disselhorst-Klug C., Enoka R., Falla D., Farina D., Gandevia S., Holobar A., Kiernan M., McGill K., Perreault E., Rothwell J. Tucker K., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Amplitude normalization matrix. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2020;53:102438. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2020.102438.
- Rojas-Martínez M, Serna LY, Jordanic M, Marateb HR, Merletti R, Mañanas MÁ. High-density surface electromyography signals during isometric contractions of elbow muscles of healthy humans. Sci Data. 2020 Nov 16;7(1):397, doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-00717-6.
- Merletti R., Cerone G.L., Tutorial. Surface EMG detection, conditioning and pre-processing: best practices, Journ. of Electromyogr. and Kinesiol., 2020; 54 102440, doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2020.102440
- Campanini I., Disselhorst-Klug C., Rymer W.Z., Merletti R., Neurorehabilitation: Barriers Limiting Its Use., Frontiers in Neurology/Neurorehab. 2020;
- McManus L., Lowery M., Merletti R. , Søgaard K, Besomi M, Clancy EA, van Dieën JH, Hug F, Wrigley T, Besier T, Carson RG, Disselhorst-Klug C, Enoka RM, Falla D, Farina D, Gandevia S, Holobar A, Kiernan MC, McGill K, Perreault E, Rothwell JC, Tucker K, Hodges P., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Terminology matrix. J. Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2021; 59, 102565, doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2021.102565.
- Korrami Chokami A., Gasparini M. Merletti R., Identification of periodic bursts in surface EMG: applicationsto the erector spinae muscles of sitting violin players. Biomed. Signal Process. and Control, 2021; 65, 102369,
- Aranceta-Garza A., Russo A., D’Emanuele S.,Serafino F., Merletti R., High density surface electromyographic activity of the lumbar erector spinae muscles and confort/discomfort assessment in piano players: comparison of two chairs. Frontiers in Physiology, 2021;12:743730, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.743730
- Merletti R., Campanini I., Rymer W.Z., Disselhorst-Klug C., Editorial: Surface Electromyography: Barriers Limiting Widespread Use of sEMG in Clinical Assessment and Neurorehabilitation, Front. Neurolology/Neurorehab. 2021,
- Merlo A., Montecchi M.G., Lombardi,F., Vata, X., Musi A., Lusuardi M., Merletti,R., Campanini I. Monitoring involuntary muscle activity in acute patients with upper motor neuron lesion by wearable sensors. A feasibility study. Sensors, 2021; 9: 3120, doi: 10.3390/s21093120.
- Gallina A, Disselhorst-Klug C, Farina D, Merletti R, Besomi M, Holobar A, Enoka RM, Hug F, Falla D, Søgaard K, McGill K, Clancy EA, Carson RG, van Dieën JH, Gandevia S, Lowery M, Besier T, Kiernan MC, Rothwell JC, Tucker K, Hodges P., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: High-density surface electromyography matrix. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. 2022; 64:102656. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2022.102656.
- Barbero G., Evangelista L. R., Merletti R. Half-cell and noise voltages at a metal-electrode and dilute solution interface, Journ. Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment, 2022;
- Campanini I., Merlo A., Disselhorst-Klug C., Mesin L., Muceli S., Merletti R., Fundamental Concepts of Bipolar and High-Density Surface EMG Understanding and Teaching for Clinical, Occupational, and Sport Applications: Origin, Detection, and Main Errors. Sensors 2022; 22: 4150.
- Merletti R. ,Temporiti F., Gatti R., Gupta S., Sandrini G., Serrao M., Translation of surface electromyography (sEMG) to clinical and motor rehabilitation applications: the need for new clinical figures. Translational Neuroscience, 2023;14(1):20220279,
- Martinez-Valdes E, Enoka RM, Holobar A, McGill K, Farina D, Besomi M, Hug F, Falla D, Carson RG, Clancy EA, Disselhorst-Klug C, van Dieën JH, Tucker K, Gandevia S, Lowery M, Søgaard K, Besier T, Merletti R, Kiernan MC, Rothwell JC, Perreault E, Hodges P., Consensus for experimental design in electromyography (CEDE) project: Single motor unit matrix. J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol., 2023; 68:102726. doi:10.1016/j.jelekin.2022.102726.
- Clancy E., Morin E., Hajian G., Merletti R., Tutorial. Surface electromyogram (sEMG) amplitude estimation: Best practices. J. Electromyogr Kinesiol., 2023;72:102807. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2023.102807.
- Merletti R., Metrology in sEMG and movement analysis: the need for training new figures in clinical rehabilitation. Front. Rehabil. Sci. 2024, 5:1353374. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2024.1353374
- Khorrami Chokami A., Merletti R., Right-Left sEMG Burst Synchronization of the Lumbar Erector Spinae Muscles of Seated Violin Players. Sci. Rep. 2024;14(1):22992. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-69531-z.
- Muceli S, Merletti R, Tutorial. Frequency analysis of the surface EMG signal: Best practices. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2024; 102937. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2024.102937
- Farina D, Merletti R, Enoka R, The extraction of neural strategies from the surface EMG: 2004-2024. 2025;138(1):121-135. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00453.2024.
- Tramontano M, Li S, Merletti R, Editorial: Surface EMG and other measurement techniques in rehabilitation research and practice: are new educational programs needed? Front. Rehabil. Sciences. 2025;6:1565879. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2025.1565879
- Del Vecchio A, Hug F, Merletti R, Farina D, JEK-ISEK tutorials on electromyography and kinesiology: A summary and a call for the next series of tutorials. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2025 Jan 23:81:102986. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2025.102986